#9 Grow Fast, Grow Global - Search Engines
Welcome to the ninth extract in my series from my book 'Grow Fast, Grow Global: 6 steps to unstoppable international growth in the digital age'. Here's an extract from chapter three explaining the importance of optimising your website in a digital world.
Search Engines Around The World
When it comes to gaining international visibility online, your first job will be to ensure your own website is optimised for international sales and appears in search engines around the world. Someone told me the other day that ‘having a website that has not been optimised, is like having a movie that has never been screened’. The same goes for your other digital sales channels too – whether it be your e-commerce store, your online marketplaces listings or your social media shops.
If you can't wait and want to get your copy of Grow Fast, Grow Global to read at the weekend as paperback or Kindle, then buy online now.
Happy reading!